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Top 10 Reasons why digital marketing is a good career in India

Why choose digital marketing as a career?

Digital Marketing Future
Digital marketing has brought about revolutionary changes in the corporate field. With its emergence, a completely new marketing domain is formed which is growing day by day. Digital Marketing is currently one of the fastest growing industries in India. By the end of the year 2017, more than 70% of Indian companies will start using digital marketing rigorously.As per a combined study of CII & KPMG, 20+ Lakh jobs have been created in the Digital Marketing space by the year 2020. 
While the demand of the field is very high, there aren’t enough professionals in the market available currently. This makes it the perfect time to start for anyone who is planning to go for a digital marketing career. To boost up your digital marketing career, you should enrol in the best digital marketing institute in Ahmedabad.

Is digital marketing a good job?

As a career option, digital marketing is very beneficial. Professionals in the industry get a lot of advantages with great job opportunities. Additionally, there is a lot of scope of digital marketing in India in the current scenario. Here are the top 10 reason why digital marketing is a good career option in India.

1. The industry is growing like never before!Smartphone Global Users

Currently, the world has more than 3,567,365,887 active internet users. The number of internet users is increasing like never before in India as well in both urban as well as rural areas. By 2020, we are going to reach the number of 730 million active users from India alone. This is double double the number of 350 million users in 2015. These statistics are just a small reflection of the widespread influence of the internet on our daily lives.

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Eventi speciali e promozioni da non perdere per festeggiare le tue vittorie

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2. Your qualifications don’t matter.

Unlike most of the corporate jobs, you don’t need high-profile educational qualifications to begin your career. The job of a digital marketer is focused on some specific areas only. In a nutshell it required 3 core things,

  • Your willingness to learn new things every day
  • Your English Proficiency
  • Basic Analytical Skill

If you are a master in these areas, your qualifications don’t matter at all. You can simply go for a good digital marketing course in India and start working as per your convenience regardless of your educational or professional background.

A common delusion about digital marketing is that you should have a strong technical or marketing background to plunge into this profession. The truth is that you need not be a tech proficient or business graduate to make a career in digital marketing. You just need to do a basic course in digital marketing from a reputed digital marketing institute in Ahmedabad so that you can get an idea about what digital marketing is. To get a digital marketing opportunity, you should be creative enough to make the product shine in the internet hustle.Call to action

3. The payment scope is endless.

Digital Marketing Manager Salary India
There are many career options in the market that require minimal or no educational qualifications. But more often than not, these jobs don’t pay well. Employees usually face a lot of exploitation and are hardly ever paid what they deserve. But that is not the case with digital marketing. Even beginners in the industry with no experience are paid 15 – 20 K a month. And with only a few years of experience, your income can increase to 5 – 12 Lakhs per annum.

4. There are a lot of job opportunities to choose from.

With the digital marketing industry at its peak, there are endless job opportunities. While professionals of other professions are finding it difficult to get a job, there are literally no digital marketers available. Almost every other company in the market is looking for more and more digital marketing professionals. With so many jobs available, you get to choose the job that you find the best.

The number of digital marketers is less as compared to available jobs. Thus, the digital marketing scope offers a plethora of opportunities in the business and technology sector. The specializations required for jobs have lessened unemployment. With the market competition on the rise, there are various options for specializing in digital marketing. It is because every part of marketing is divided into various sectors.

Currently there are more than 500 job openings for Digital Marketing Professionals from Ahmedabad alone. Mumbai has some 3000 job openings, Banglore has more than 2000 openings, while Delhi/ NCR has a whooping 4000 job openings. If you look at the major cities of India, you can find more than 13,000 job openings for digital marketing professionals.

Several studies have claimed that around 28.5k digital marketing jobs on are updated daily.

5. You get the liberty to choose your job profile.

The best thing about digital marketing is that it is really flexible. Unlike other usual jobs, there are no rules that restrict you in a digital marketing career. You get the complete freedom to choose your job profile. You can work as a full-time professional, a freelancer or a digital marketing consultant. You can work online from your home or you can work offline in various companies. Whatever suits your requirements can be done in a digital marketing career.Call to action for digital marketing
If you wish to go for freelancing, you have a lot of opportunities there as well. Many popular websites like Fiverr, Upwork, Elance, Freelancer, People Per Hour provide a lot of freelance work for digital marketing professionals. You can find some 1800 projects on Elance, 1000 projects on Freelancer, 10,000+ projects on Upwork, around 150 projects on People Per Hour and many others on different websites.

6. You get to choose your work scope.

Digital marketing has a lot of flexibility even in terms of the work scope. It is a vast domain that has a lot of different sub-fields. Going for digital marketing does not mean doing one thing for life. You get to choose from a lot of options. You can work as a social media marketer, a content writer, a digital marketing manager, an SEO specialist or something else. You can work with whatever you understand the most and have the most fun doing.

The specializations in a digital marketing career were created because the work of digital marketing is cumbersome. One person may not possess adequate knowledge regarding all the tasks involved. Hence, the market needs specialized people in a particular section of digital marketing. You can choose that discipline of digital marketing where you have astonishing knowledge, skills, and interest.

7. You don’t need to work full-time.

If you are a student or a budding entrepreneur or anyone else who cannot work full-time but wishes to earn some good money, you can easily go for digital marketing. Not all the companies want to hire full-time digital marketing professionals. Some of them are even looking for freelancers who can work part-time. Thus, you don’t have to give up what you are currently doing. Just arrange your schedule to find some time for digital marketing and you are done.

8. It is an innovative and interesting job.

Along with a good pay and endless job opportunities, with digital marketing, you also get a very interesting job. Professionals in this industry are always required to work with innovation and creativity. Apart from certain technical aspects, there are no rules in digital marketing. You are free to experiment and work as your heart pleases.  

9. The learning period is brief and easy.

As mentioned, there are only some technical aspects that need attention in digital marketing. That is why the training period for a digital marketer is also very brief. You don’t need to undergo years and years of learning. Just a few months of exposure to the industry will make you qualified enough to start your career.  

If you join our institute, Digital Marketing Training Institute in Ahmedabad, you can become a trained professional in a matter of 3 months.

10. Start your career without any help.

Conventionally, getting a good job requires a lot of support. You either need to have a strong CV with a lot of internship certificates. Or you need a good college to help you with the placements. But when it comes to digital marketing, there are no such pre-requisites. You can easily find a quality job on your own. All you need is proper training and a creative mind to kickstart your career.Want to Set Up Your Career And Business Growth?

Scope of digital marketing in India

Digital marketing is yet in its budding stage in India. It hasn’t even been a decade since the field has become a full-fledged profession. That is the reason why there is a lot of scope for the same in India. As of now, we don’t have any university or college courses for digital marketing. Plus, there are very few people who even know about the existence of such a job. In this scenario, a digital marketing professional can get a lot of liberty and flexibility in terms of the work. He/ She can also get a lot of job opportunities with very good pay-scales.
Currently, there are a lot of institutes as well providing digital marketing course in Ahmedabad. Get enrolled in any such institute and begin your career.

Being a certified digital marketing professional from a reputed digital marketing institute in Ahmedabad will enhance your job opportunities and ensure better career growth. Mentioning that in your resume will also add more weight.

When you learn some specific digital marketing skills, it will also help you in having an upper hand in some other job profiles. So, when you apply for some other jobs (apart from digital marketing jobs), your hiring chances will be higher if you have proficient knowledge of digital marketing.

The career aspirants need not be from the marketing field to become digital marketing professionals. The markets are crammed with a plethora of digital marketing jobs, but the people willing to work in the field are lesser. Because of this demand and supply gap, the scope for digital marketing Jobs is enormous.

How to start a digital marketing career in India?

As of now, there are no universities providing digital marketing courses in India. However, many institutes are focusing on providing specialised digital marketing training. The goal of our team at the Digital Marketing Training Institute in Ahmedabad is the same, to provide classroom training programs for digital marketing professionals. From teaching you what digital marketing is to help you select the right work scope and job opportunities, we help you completely. With such help, you can get trained for a career in the industry very easily. Such training also helps you get better job opportunities and better payments.

Chirag Shah

Digital Marketing, Trainer/Consultant

Chirag Shah is Google Adwords and Analytics Certified professional. He is a Digital marketing professional who specializes in conversion optimization, on page optimization and Digital marketing training.

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